Why Blog?

I’m sure there are many reasons that people decide to have a blog. My reason is simple. I want to make you smile. I feel that we get so bogged down in the mundane, the norm, the relentless day in – day out routine of working, raising kids, making dinner (kill me now) and picking shit up off the floor, that it can lead us to forget to NOT TAKE EVERYTHING SO SERIOUSLY.

I am a ridiculous person in general and feel I can offer the world an opportunity to not only laugh AT me, but hopefully (occasionally) WITH me. You see, while it is believed that having talent is a gift (hopefully one that can be turned into a a lifetime of success), I have decided that my ‘life talent’ is actually  that of having NO talent, and I plan on exploiting its non skilled arse in an attempt at mildly amusing entertainment.

If I can make you smile, break the monotony of your day – for just a moment with a giggle, and remind you that life is better when you’re laughing then job done….well done me!